Series: The Book of Nahum
Here you can listen online or download our Sunday Morning bible teachings! You can browse by date, series, or by a particular speaker.

Nahum 3:8-19 – Trusting God: Above all other things
Mark concludes our series in the Book of Nahum.
Mark Andrews | 30-08-20
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Nahum 2:13-3:7 – Trusting God: He is for you…
Rob carries on our series in the Book of Nahum looking at the contrast of God’s judgement on his enemies and God’s love for his people.
Rob Hibbitt | 23-08-20
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Nahum 2:1-12 – Trusting God: Who is sovereign over the nations
John Hills carries on our series in the Book of Nahum.
John Hills | 16-08-20
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Nahum 1:14-15 – Trusting God
Len continues our preaching series in the Book of Nahum.
Len Doyle | 9-08-20
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Nahum 1:9-13 – Trusting God: With your enemies
Rob continues our series in the Book of Nahum. Preaching from Nahum 1:9-13 Rob shows that you can trust God with the enemy and evil.
Rob Hibbitt | 2-08-20
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Nahum 1:1-9 – Trusting God: To be God
Rob opens our new series in the Old Testament prophetic Book of Nahum, looking specifically at Nahum 1:1-9. Nahum may be considered a ‘minor prophet’ but the book packs an enormous punch! We hope you are blessed by this message.
Rob Hibbitt | 26-07-20
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