The King’s Kids

Our Vision:

‘To Help Children Love Jesus’.

Our Aims:

1) To have Fun together
2) To Live, Learn and Love Jesus together
3) To Enjoy Jesus’ Family together

Our Guiding Scripture:
But when the chief priests and the teachers of
the law saw the wonderful things he did and the
children shouting in the temple courts, ‘Hosanna
to the Son of David,’ they were indignant. ‘Do you
hear what these children are saying?’ they asked
him. ‘Yes,’ replied Jesus, ‘have you never read,
‘“From the lips of children and infants you, Lord,
have called forth your praise”?’ – Matthew 21:15-16

We can see:
1) Children full of joy in God’s house around Jesus.
2) Children making lots of noise in God’s house
around Jesus.
3) Children knowing who Jesus is and His
4) Children knowing Jesus is worthy to be
worshipped and that Jesus saves.
5) Children who love and worship Jesus make God’s
enemies indignant.
6) Jesus hears, welcomes and values children.
7) Jesus calls children to follow him and to worship
him in Spirit and truth.

At King’s Church Ringwood our vision for The King’s Kids is ‘To Help Children Love Jesus’. Therefore, creating a safe environment for this vision to be fulfilled is very important to us.

If you would like to read an briefer Overview of our Safeguarding Policy you can ask one of The King’s Kids helpers or go click here: Safeguarding Children and Vulnerable Adults

Alternatively, the full Safeguarding Policy is found on our website here:


If you would like to register your child/children then you can print out the following flier: Kids Reg_Flyer a

If you haven’t got a printer you can pick one up on a Sunday morning at church.